Owners’ Association News
Board of Directors
President/Board Chairman:Â Mark Nash, mnesq1990@yahoo.com Secretary/Treasurer:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Arthur Carpana, acarpana@yahoo.com From the Board of Directors: |
Rivers Edge Ladies Luncheons

Our Rivers Edge ladies enjoyed their monthly luncheon in September at the Olde Erie Restaurant in Middletown NY, and in October at The Jolly Onion Inn in Pine Island, NY. Our community ladies go out on the 2nd Thursday of every month to a new and differenct restaurant, always within an hour’s drive from the community. Watch for the email announcement each month. All Rivers Edge ladies are invited, and it’s a great way to make new friends.
An Evening Soiree>>> Soup and Sandwich Party
Sponsored by our Neighbors to Neighbors (“N2N”) Club, on October 18th there was a Soup and Sandwich party at the Clubhouse. This was a very nice social gathering enjoyed by many of our residents. Many thanks to the N2N Committee for putting on this event.

Rivers Edge is an active adult community. In addition to various spontaneous activities often occurring, here are activities which occur every month, at the indicated date and time.
On October 6th, a group of residents enjoyed a hilarious production of “Born Yesterday” presented by the Shawnee Playhouse Theater, followed by a great dinner nearby at Alaska Pete’s Roadhouse Grill in East Straoudsburg, PA.

Parking During Winter Months
(From Community Rules & Regulations)
“Removal of snow and treatment of ice during winter months being essential for resident safety, there shall be no extended or overnight parking on any community street or in the Clubhouse parking lot from October 15th to April 15th. Use of designated parking recesses on Braeburn Path and Macintosh Way is permitted. Violation of this rule by either residents or their guests shall subject the responsible resident to fines in amounts as determined by the Board of Directors for such purpose.”
Regularly Scheduled Activities
Rivers Edge is an active adult community. In addition to various spontaneous activities often occurring, here are activities which occur every month, at the designated date and time.
Every Month:
First Thursday: Book Club-7 PM – Clubhouse Library
First Saturday: Men’s Coffee & Bagels Social – 9:00 AM at Clubhouse
Second Thursday: Ladies’ Month Luncheon (meeting location, time and restaurant announced monthly)
Second Friday: Men’s Poker Night – 7:00 PM at Clubhouse
Third Friday: Caring & Sharing Club meeting – 7:00 PM at Clubhouse
Last Saturday: Ladies Coffee Social – 9:00 AM at Clubhouse
Every Monday and Friday: Balance and Fitness Class at Clubhouse – 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
Every Tuesday: Movie Night-Clubhouse-Social Time at 6:30 PM; Movie at 7 PM
November 2 – Comedy Night at the Port Jervis Elks. Contact Kim Rolando.
November 8th – A Night At The Races (Milford American Legion). Contact Lee Kenney.
December 6th – Community Christmas Party at the Best Western Inn. Don’t miss this gala sit down dinner, a “secret Santa” gift exchange and great community social event. Please respond to invitation already sent, or contact Bonnie Matthews.
December 14th – Shadowland Stages Christmas Show – “It’s A Wonderful Life” – Contact Maureen or Tom Burke.
Executive: M. Nash; A. Carpana; C. Allen; Rose Von Tobel
Grievance: M. Nash (chair), Rose Von Tobel, (one open)
Design Review: open
Rules & Regs: open
Finance: A. Carpana (chair), George Hill, (one open)
Activities: Bonnie Matthews (chair), Barbara Gloor, Vita Sarvaide
A Night At The Movies
There is a movie shown every Tuesday evening at the Clubhouse. Movies start at 7:00 PM sharp, with social time starting at 6:30. Even if you can’t stay for the movie, come and socialize with your friends & neighbor before the movie starts.
5th – “Must Love Dogs”, rated PG13
12th– “Firewall”, rated PG13
19th – “Moscow on the Hudson”, rated R
26th – “Walk the Line”, rated PG13
3rd – “Killers”, rated PG13
10th – “Kiss the Girls”, rated R
17th – “The Last Straw”, rated R
Merry Christmas ! Enjoy Your Holidays
(Movies will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020)
Welcome New Neighbors !!
Bob and Barbara Jones have now moved into their new townhome at 908 Macintosh Way. Barbara and Bob moved here from the Orange County NY town of Montgomery. Welcome Barbara and Bob! So glad you chose to join our community.
A warm Rivers Edge welcome to Elizabeth and John Luetzow who have moved into their new townhome at 900 Macintosh Way. John and Elizabeth moved to Rivers Edge from Horsham, PA, and we are happy to welcome them as our new neighbors “livin’ on the edge.”
Nanette Stewart has now moved into her new Rivers Edge townhome at 906 Macintosh Way. Nanette comes to Rivers Edge from nearby Milford PA. We extend a warm welcome to Nanette and look forward to having her join in our active adult lifestyle.
Rivers Edge By The Numbers
Homes completed: 45 | Homes occupied: 43 +2 MODELS | Units contract: 14 Number of Residents: 71
Developer’s Corner
Please note that all home sales information and home warranty issues should be brought to the attention of the developer (contact info below). After your one-year home warranty has expired, or for any community issues, please contact the Rivers Edge Owners’ Association Property Management company, NEPA Management Associates, as indicated to the right below.
Our Rivers Edge community continues to grow steadily. Five of the six units in our newest riverside building #8 are now occupied and the 6th unit is under contract. Building # 24 on Braeburn is sold out and interior finishing is underway on two of those units. Building #23 on Braeburn is sold out with five of the six units occupied and the final unit ungoing interior finishing. In new building #10 on Macintosh, four of the six townhomes are sold with interior finishing ongoing in two of those units, expected to close this year.
New building #12 on Macintosh is in the final stages of exterior framing. Four of the six townhomes in this building have already been sold
The foundation for new building # 13 on Macintosh is in and the slab will be poured very soon. And foundation work has started for another new Macintosh building # 14, a four townhome building. Construction on all buildings will be continuing through the winter, in anticipation of next year being our best year for welcoming new residents to our beautiful Rivers Edge community and continued strong sales activity.
And please remember our “Friends and Family” program which offers 1 year’s free Association fees if you bring a qualified friend or family member to the sales office for the first time, resulting in a sale. See Geoff Pitcher for details.
Don’t forget our “Friends and Family” program which offers 1 year’s free Association fees if you bring a qualified friend or family member to the sales office for the first time,resulting in a sale. See Geoff Pitcher for  details.
Office: 570-491-4180 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â www.riversedge55.com
Geoff Pitcher (Project Manager) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â geoff.riversedge@gmail.com
Nancy Pitcher (listing agent) 570-807-0780 Â Â Â Â Â nancypitcher@gmail.com,
Property Management
Contact Information
Christina Serpico, Sr.Property Manager
NEPA Property Management Assoc.(570) 421-5409 Extension 383
Visit our residents’ Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/riversedgenews